Monday, March 9, 2009


I recently found the website Mr. Picasso Head, which is awesome! I gave a brief history about Pablo Picasso. We had just done a lesson about abstract art so this was a good transition to talk about how cubism relates to abstract art and how it differs. So we compared and contrasted, then we went on the web and using out Intelliboard each student chose a part to create a class picasso head. Next we did out sketchbook connection, we sketched two of Picasso's famous portraits, then the students created two of thier own cubist portraits. We then chose 1 of the four for our final project. We drew it out on large paper, outlined with sharpie, then painted with tempera paints. I think they turned out really neat and the students enjoyed the project. They gained key concepts about art history and art styles while using higher level thinking from past lessons to compare, contrast and create.

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