Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gustav Klimt

Grade four artist recently studied the artist Gustav Klimt who is know for his symbolic painting entitled "The Tree of Life". Students used metallic paint to use a loose free hand painting style to create the symbolic swirls of the tree branches. They also used black and white to contour and highlight the tree. They embellished the tree with gems, jewels, and beads and added a mosaic paper border.

Picasso Portraits

Grade One artists recently finished their Pablo Picasso Portraits. They students viewed many of Picasso's drawings and portrait work. They discussed the style of the portraits and identified lines and shapes. Students used marker and water to create washes of color. 

To close the project students displayed their finished artwork under the document camera and talked ART-iculate and ART-smart about their work.

Here is a handout I gave student to earn "money" points and a display that now hangs in our art room. 

Peace Dove

Grade 3 artist created these beautiful clay symbols of peace. For this project students carved out a dove shape and applied a texture. When dry the students applied a blue paint wash and finished with a gold metallic blend around the outer edge. 

I have a dream...

Our 5th grade cluster group is participating in a community arts project. This collaborative painted canvas is currently on display at Arts Mon located on High Street. It is a part of the MLK celebration hosted by the group Downtown Morgantown. 

Our piece has collage prints of sheet music from the song Amazing Grace for the background, the foreground has free hand sketch of Martin Luther with the words "I Have a Dream".

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Northern Lights

These northern lights inspired landscapes were created by our grade 4 artists. This project was created in two parts with lots of different mediums. The background is a marker and watercolor blend with sparkles in the moon. The tree trunks were created by  scraping plastic cards over white paper to get a great birch tree result. Fabulous! 

Winter Carolers

These were created by our grade 3 artist, too cute! They created round heads and little hats with mittens and topped them off with old fashioned sheet music of Christmas songs.

Winter Penguins

I am loving these winter projects. These penguins were created by our grade 2 artists. They used a wet on wet watercolor background with an added salt effect to simulate an icy feel. Then we added an adorable penguin skating on the ice!

Winter Trees

These were created by our grade 1 artists. They blended tints of blue to create a cool background and use printmaking to create the tree and snow!

Rainbow Snowmen

 I love the cut little personalities they all have :)

Best Christmas Gift!

My favorite gift from a student this year, NEW SHARPIES!!!!! And just look at all those colors!