Thursday, December 19, 2013

More station work

We created Mickey mouse's head out of fractiles. It was cool. The green team 4H

I created a race car that is made out bendaroos 4H Natan

My name is Lily I created a design out of Fractiles.It is ribbon candy. Hope you like it!

Hi my name is Hannah.I made this jaguar roar in art stations the purple team of mrs.sticklers class

We create a star burst, the green team 3M

Have a Merry Christmas!

Caleb created a tiger. 3M

I created a candy cane moster.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tangram station

It was hard for carter and Jacob to do it but we did it by the purple team Jacob and carter.


Exciting structures built with bendaroos -Orange team 3m

Clay sculpture station

Giant candy cane created by green team 3m

Tangram Creation Station

Colorful Milky Way created by Haley 3m

Bendaroo Structure Station

i mADE An EARTH. Emmy 3m

Clay Sculpture Station

I made a koala! georgia 3-m

Op Art Stations

You start by matching all four sides Until you make a perfect square! Cloe 3-M

Fractiles station

Jada: so what I did was I just thought for a second and I looked at the models of different ways to make pictures and I saw the hot air balloon and I created it Created by:Jada 4-c

Kara: well I saw the model of it and d that but I changed up a bit which is always un all it takes is a little imagination and the heart. Created by: Kara 4-C purple group


We started making a real fractile and then we just put random pieces where we thought they would go and we made what's in the picture. Don't you think it looks cool? By blue team 4-C

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pattern WigWams

Kinder artists used their prior knowledge of lines to decorate Wig wams or Tee pees. They used repeating lines to make patterns and share their knowledge about Native American living.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Abstract line paintings

Kinder artist had a great time examining lines and trying to find Larry the imaginary snake, who likes to hide in lines around the school :)


First grade artists painted sunsets just as Little Gopher did in The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. Students learned how legends start as a true story but throughout time may get exaggerated. Students also read the Legend of the Blue Bonnet and created a class bar graph of things that we like and things that we love based on their sentimental value.

Cave art, Pictographs

2nd grade artist studied the effects of real and simulated texture in art. They aged and texturized paper to give a cave feel and then painted symbols to create a fictional Native American story.

Totem poles!

Our third grade artist learned about the honor and symbolism behind a totem pole. They also learned why artifacts are important to study history. They have created some awesome totem characters!

Tribal shields

This project was created by our 4th grade artists. They studied the value of symbols and their meanings in Native American culture. They also learned the about 3 types of balance in art:symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.